



(Also in English)



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English Articles

Playfulldigital writing 1-6 years (2010-2015)

Creative digital writing 6-10 year olds. Writing to Read. 1999-2015

FinRa 3th Baltic Sea-17th Nordic Literacy Conference 2016

Creative Writing on Computers 6-9 year olds.
Writing to Read. (1999-2015) Article
19th European Conference on Literacy. Austria 2015

- Creative writing on computers 6-10 years.
- Abstract. Creativ computer writing
19th European Confrence on Literacy Austria July 2015

- Writing to Read with digital tools. Research in teacher education in Norway.
University Zielona Gora. Polen . April 2014

- Grønlund/Genlott. Improving literacy skills through iWTR

- Takala. Teaching reading through writing  RtW

- Writing to Read. Playful computer writing. Innovations 2002-2010. ICCP Lisbon, Portugal 16-18 June 2010

- Writing to Read. Playful computer writing. Innovations 2002-2010.PowerPoint ICCP Lisbon, Portugal 16-18 June 2010

- Writing to Read. Playful computer writing. Keynote. ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe). Prague. 26. Febr. 2010

. Writing to Read. Playful computer writing. PowerPoint

- Playful computer writing. Grade 1-4. University of Helsinki
- Helsinki University 2008

- Writing to Read on Computer. Grade 1-3. What did Children and Parents say?
- NERA Finland 2007

- Playful computer writing. Grade 1. - 4. (6- 9 year olds)
- 1999-2002. The mass implementation. Chemnitz University. Germany 2006

- Writing to read on computer. Grade 1-4 1999-2002. The mass implementation 2002-2006
- NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association) Sweden 2006

- Creative writing on computers: 6- to 10-year olds. Writing to Read. 2005
- In Pandis, M et al: Reading, Writing , Thinking. International Reading Association. USA

- Playful computer writing.Grade 1 - 3
- IPA World Conference 2005 Berlin, Germany

- Playful computer writing Paper
- Arne Trageton, ICCP, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 2004

- Creative writing on computers Grade 3.
- NERA Copenhagen 2003

- Creative writing. 13th conference of Reading. Long version
- Arne Trageton, Tallin, Estonia, July 2003

- Creative writing. 13th conference of Reading
- Arne Trageton, Tallin, Estonia, July 2003

- Creative writing. Penn. State University, USA
    - Arne Trageton, February 2003

- Creative writing on computers and playful learning: Grade 1
    - Arne Trageton, TASP, New Mexico, February 2002

- Creative writing on computers.  Playful learning in grade 2
    - Arne Trageton, TASP, New Mexico, February 2002

Creative writing on computers.1. year. ICCP. Germany 2001

Play in Lower Primary School TASP
   -- Arne Trageton, New Mexico, February 1999

Theme-organised learning, play and physical environment in lower primary school
    - Arne Trageton, Anny Hagesæter, Solveig Helming, ICCP. Oslo. February 1999 

Quality of PC writing. Fairy tale. Dentist visit.
   - Arne Trageton, Sept. 2003